Events 2024
May Sat 18th May 10am-4pm.Market at Dalkieth Country Park' in the Orangerie (next to Restoration Yard) June
Thurs 20th - Sun 23rd June, Royal Highland Show, Royal Highland Show Ground Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh.
Saturday 20th July 10am-5pm,, 3D2ad Newbattle Abbey Summer Fair.
Mon 29th July- Sun 25th August, Edinburgh Festival 3D2D West End Fair, Edinburgh Festival, St John's Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh.
Thurs 24th - Sun 27th, Crafts for Christmas Show, SEC, Glasgow.
Sat 2nd -Sun 3rd November, Northumberland Joy of Christmas Fair, Linden Hall, Langhorsley
Sat 16th- Sun 17th November, 3D2D Christmas Craft and Design Fair, Newbattle Abbey, Newbattle Road, Dalkeith, EH22 3LL